It was a beautiful sunny day in the bible buckle of the bible belt... I love this place, the people, and my family there. I realized that I missed all my family (Mom, Dad, Sisters, Brother, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, etc...) all so much, it was so good to spend time with them during that week.
I was honored to capture these images for my lil'sister Amneh and her Brian. I'm so happy for you guys ... and can't wait for you to be in Colorado someday.
Here's some of my favorites...
I've been hooked on Words with Friends lately... love it!
Surprised Daddy seeing his Daughter in the dress for the 1st time... I'm 100% sure this will be me with Kenzie.
Don't cry... you'll ruin the makeup that took a while to put on... come on! ;-)
Crocodile tears...
The flower girls were soooo cute... maybe the cutest ever! I am bias as 1 is my dauther (Kenzie) and the other is my niece... :-P
Why ... who's that handsome guy on the left... he sure is good lookin'... hahaha...
Yall look so Gangsta...
The Guys Pimpin... oh yeah...
The Ladies...
A husband, soldier, hero --- that couldn't make the wedding... it was nice to be able to add an image of him to the day.
If you're going to smash cake... make it count! Good job to ya both!
Dance dance dance dance... dancing machine!
I'm certain this song was a disco one... I believe this is when I wanted to shake my groove thing as well... maybe next time.
This image was actually captured by my lovely cousin Michelle Palmer - you can follow the family blog at this link ---- ((LINK)) - warning! it's pretty great, you'll get addicted to reading it...
After the night was complete - we all joined in on a game of tackle football... ..... .... .... no.. not really.
Enoch Gonzalez
Professional Photographer
Colorado Springs Colorado