Sunday, February 3

Kenzie Year 2

On Saturday January 21st, 2006 - Kenzie Rayen Gonzalez was introduced to this world at 3:04 PM. This will always go down as our best day - 3 weeks ago Kenzie turned 2 years old. Each year I create a "Year in Pictures" movie (via iMovie and iDVD) and I'm sure I'll continue to do this till she's in her late 20's...

Below is what I created this year - (song is Blessed by Brett Dennen)

Tomorrow I'll post some photos from her Birthday Party (Charlie and Lola)...


Anonymous said...

Bravo! Great Job my friend. Perfect song choice...the title says it all.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely AWESOME! You are truly Blessed.

Enoch Photography said...

Dale/Tom & Linda,
Thank you for you kind words. Love you all...

Yes I am truly blessed - not only with my family (which includes you), but also to know you all and continue to have you all in my life.

thomasandjamie said...

Aww, sweet girl! I can't wait to see you this weekend!!! Nice job, Knockie. That was awesome!