Monday, May 12

Weekend in review and Mother's Day

Hello my wonderful peeps - this weekend was awesome and of course not long enough.

Hope you all had a great weekend with your family and celebrated Mother's Day with your wife and children and paid a visit to you Mom or at least called. And on a side note about my wife and being a mother - she is IMO the absolute best mother Kenzie could ask for, she is patient, kind, loving, aware of emotions and needs, and always has that Motherly intuition that I admire so much from all mothers. Kenzie is an amazing little girl and I know beyond a shadow of doubt this is because of Tara and her love for her - of course I add me to this as well... however when we decided that Tara would be a mommy 1st and foremost in these early years it was the best decision we ever made. I love honey and I always will.

My Mom lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma so I was able to call her and talk for a while - we speak about 3 times a week. I miss her and can't wait to see her next month.

The family here all hung out together... it was nice.

Oh and it was potty training weekend for Kenzie... it's going well. ;-)

Here's a few for the blog from Sunday...

I noticed some AWESOME light from my bedroom - so I had an impromptu session for Kenzie... love this light --- plus my little girl is so beautiful!

This is Tara's mom - Terry (aka Gamma). She's a Hot Rod driving/racing, gun shootin' Grandma! She's an angel and I am a lucky Son-n-Law... no really I am.

This is Tara's Dad - Jim (aka Pappo to the Grandkids). He is a great guy, loving, giving, and always joking. Plus he has those Gandalf style eye brows ....

Kenzie showin' the love to Pappo.

Here's Gamma and Pappo enjoying the Sunday afternoon at the park - watching Jimmy play with his new toy.

And here's Jimmy (Tara's brother) with his new R/C Boat

This thing is fast - goes about 40+ mph --- has to watch out for the ducks.. or vice versa.

We capped off the night at a trip to Baskin Robins for 3 cones --- Mike Terry Devon and Micah met us out there and enjoyed some family time and laughes.

Kenzie lovin' her cone.

Mike and Terry are moving to Balize in July to become missionaries with their family. I can't tell you how much we're going to miss them, however we are planning a trip out there for next April 2009. We'll see.

Good to the last drop.


AHS Photography said...

Your daughter is so cute!!


your girl could not be cuter and that boat is sa-weet!!!!

Mark Brooke Photographers said...

looks like a fun day!