Monday, March 3

RFC - Baptism

We attend a wonderful growing church here in the Springs (Rock Family Church), where Tara and I serve as Kid's Church teachers 1 Sunday a month, and where we also learn, worship, and grow in our faith. As well I share the privilege of being one of the photographers that gets to photograph some of the happenings of the church - this month I'll be snapping away during Easter Service and the Easter egg-hunt ... should be a blast.

This past Sunday I was asked to take some shots of the baptism in which I gladly said yes -- it is a wonderful thing to witness. Here are a couple images from the service...

The Youth Pastor (Jordan) - administered the baptism to the youth..

... Oh and if you're in the area and are looking for a good church home... hit me up and I can either recommend ours ... or others in the area that are great churches...

Good night. -Enoch.


Liberty Lessard said...

Love your photos.

Enoch Photography said...

Thank you! That's very kind of you to say...