Tuesday, October 30

We Love Colorado --- Miller Family Shoot

We've lived here now a little over 6 months, and I can honestly say that we love it here. We love hiking, the weather, the mountains, our church, the lack of traffic (in comparison to Dallas), and lots of other misc things like the clean air, the crisp clean water, etc - this can be a long long long list. I especially love the people who I've met through my Photography Business, case in point - the Miller family.
What a lovely cute family they are and they have another beautiful baby on the way which from seeing Mom Dad and Big Sis -- will certainly be a stunningly beautiful child. The sun light ran out on us by the time we completed the shoot - but that didn't stop creativity --- below are some of the images from the their shoot...

1 comment:

nicole aka gidget said...

What adorable pictures! (I'm a friend of Sharla's.)