Sunday, October 21

Snow in October

Wow - Snow in October... I think I vaguely remember a very distant memory of snow in October many many years ago when I lived in Oklahoma. But today is a new memory that I'm sure we'll have lots more of in the many years to come in Colorado. Today we woke up to a beautiful blanket of snow everywhere, on everything. The local news said it was going to be a white-out and they were 100% correct - it's really nice. I drove out and got some Dunkin Donuts for us - yeah I know ... cake for breakfast... how healthy- Mom said I shouldn't eat cake for breakfast, but she never said anything about Dunkin Donuts... Mmmmm

Pictures taken on my cell phone:

Oh and the movie last night, the Contract, was stupid. We were exceedingly disappointed in a movie starring Morgan Freeman and John Cusack - do not rent this movie. The dialogue was lame and reminded me of a bad "B" movie. Off to Tar'shay..

1 comment:

Mark Brooke Photographers said...

Tel me about it! I hated that movie! i rented it from a Von's (on of those redbox things) and i was very disappointed with Cusack. I am so glad someone agrees with me!