Wednesday, April 9

A must watch...

So lately on my free time I've been catching up with this show that I must say is riot and definitely on my top 10 list of favorite shows ever. It's Arrested Development, a show that has since been canceled, but is sooo funny that I wish it wasn't truly feel bad that I didn't catch it while it was on TV, and it's sad to think that it will never ever ever be back on TV no matter what... :-(

The recurring jokes on the show are priceless, Gob's Chicken Dance (Actually most of the Bluth's have a personal rendition of the Chicken Dance which is a riot), Tobias and well just him, Buster and his claw, the smart out-side of the show remarks..... I could go on and on...such a great show- Genius I tell ya, genius. I watched the last episode today and I'm kinda sad ... I have to say ... I loved every show, I honestly cracked up laughing in every episode and will definitely have to watch this again - the show on many levels is Genius. Oh and I can't pick who's my favorite character... it's a tie... Buster, Gob, George Micheal, or Michael...

So if you're up for a comedy that is smart and make your stomach hurt at time from laughing so hard, you must give this a whirl ... give it at least 5 episodes. Now be warned it's not your G type show, there are parts that are PG-13'ish... however everything is bleeped out of blurred out. Nevertheless... great show and it's worth a watch.

I've been watching it for free online over at - they have all 3 seasons. HULU is a free online video site formed to house all of the Major networks shows that are currently online. There are small 15-30 second commercials - but the quality and the full screen are awesome.


Mary Marantz said...

I've never seen this show but I've always wanted to. I'll have to check it out!


jess... said...

Dude....Arrested Development is the best....just the flat out craziest show I've ever seen. Did you see Juno yet? George Michael is hillarious in it.


GOB rules!! "i think i've made a tiny huge mistake" we too never got to see it while on air, but in hindsight glad cuz we got to blow through the whole 3 seasons in one night and loved it! instant gratification that's us!! we bought them on dvd and watch em over and over!