Wednesday, September 19

Nothing much... and something coming in the near future...

Nothing much happened tonight, worked on a lot of images in post processing, went to the library to pick up some new books came back home and then we just hung out and made dinner... stewed beans and rice (she's been cooking them all day)... I absolutely love Tara's beans, they are scrumptious. Mmm Mmmm goood. :)

OK - so later this month I'm going to release something that YOU can get involved in that I'm calling "PS Love". Basically I'll be picking my favorite picture from pictures that are sent from all my readers and I'll give it some PS Love - Photoshop enhancement love (brighten the colors, color enhancements, slight artistic enhancement, etc...). I'll do this once a month to a chosen picture. So be on the look out for more details and when to submit your image to me, tell you friends and family as they won't want to miss out on this.

Well it's bed time - good night all. Be Blessed.

Enoch -

1 comment:

Brian said...

I think that's a really cool idea. Also, in future posts, I'd like to read about the tools you are using, e.g. Photoshop, etc. Just my $0.02.