Tuesday, September 18


If you know me you know that I have a small addiction of a kind. Hi my name is Enoch and I'm addicted to collecting Superman memorabilia. Ha-ha. OK so I've slowed down kinda but I still have this huge collection. Since moving to Colorado Springs I've kept a lot of it boxed, but when people see my office and the amount that is out and displayed they gasp... ha-ha. Oh well.

What can I say... I'm a kid at heart. I've liked Superman since I was a small child collecting the comics. The funniest thing is that Kenzie really likes Superman now, she calls him Meen-meen, and gets gleefully excited when she sees the "S" symbol. I love that! That's Daddy's little girl. Tara really thinks it's cute too, and to be honest I'm the one with the collection, but Tara is the one that continues to buy me stuff too and helps in the growth of this collection. ha-ha



Anonymous said...

There is still a little superman on the ceiling over your old desk that I JUST noticed last week.......

Anonymous said...

Looks to me you have some kind of complex!

Hey guys. I stumbled across your site via Josh's Picasa album. It's cool to see what you're up to. Great pictures! I'm glad to see you guys are doing good with the little girl and all.

McKenzie and I are great. We have a little one now, and she's great , too!

Other than your poor movie choices, I'll stick around and see what's up! ;-P

Enoch Photography said...

Good to hear from you - it's been such a long time. Congrats on your baby girl - she's beautiful.
Hey... we are awesome movie critiques... back off!... LOL.